I will talk about my biases yaaaay xD
who’s exited? *no one*
So, what is bias?
I’ve found the meaning of bias in the dictionary :
Bias /ˈbīəs/ : prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
it is what the dictionary said so.
Not all the people around me like korean things or k-pop like I do. They usually like football teams or actors and actress from Hollywood. I do like them, but in normal portion :p . If I put my obsession into a level, korean things would be the highest level, western things would be in the normal level, and indonesian things maybe would be the lowest. it’s not, I didn’t love my life here, I absolutely love my life, my friends, and family. but I have such a dream to live in Seoul, London, and Japan! woot~ if you ask me which country that I love the most, definitely Indonesia. who’s not love the blessed country that have summer all year?… ~okay, I will leave the thing about my country now~
I have been watching korean dramas since I was 10 years old maybe
the tv local here aired them, they did censor in some scene so it’s okay to children to watch it under parental guide. I don’t really remember my first korean drama but everybody knows “Full House”. Korean drama introduced me to korean culture. while watching the drama, I started to like the OST too. I started to like a BOY GROUP, It was when I was in the first grade of high school. Since I was 10. I already love to watch the drama and listening their soundtrack, so it’s pretty obvious I’m a typical easy to poisoned if the thing all about korean! duh. Back then, my classmate poisoned me all about BIG BANG!!! She liked to show me their MV, and some variety show that has Big Bang as the guest. I found their music really entertaining and it become my hobby to listen to the hip hop genre! Honestly, I fell in love with Big Bang, it’s not because their face, but their musical ability. Same as One OK Rock in my eyes, “my ears is my eyes”. but I won’t talk about OOR kkkkkk now~ It has been four years since 2009 I become a VIP. I do like Big Bang music for the first time, but their face come in the second! 

so, who’s my bias in Big Bang ?
let me tell ya~
( it was taken when shooting Running Man eps 163)
It’s Kwon Leader babe aka G-Dragon for the famous name :p I put the pic with his bare face, yeah you know he is prettier then woman when he puts the makeup on xD . You don’t need a reason to love a person, right? but this guy have lot of the reasons for the fans to love him so much. figure it out by yourself!
he is cute, isn’t he ? :p
I though, he would be my ultimate bias forever. but I’m so wrong. It was because this pretty boy comes to my live
~am I really like pretty boy ?~

Honestly, it’s not love at the first sight with this guy either. If I looked back at his appearance in 2006-2007. Excuse me, I can’t say a word with his hair >,< I’m not a fans of TVXQ back then, just one song that stuck on my mp3 since 2009, It was “Mirotic” japanese version. but my hate for this group were saved by Hero Jaejoong appearance in “Heaven Post Man” ! He was really pretty. I even say to my friend that he is the prettiest guy I ever seen! My love to this guy even bigger when TVXQ broke up lol
forgive me and then when I saw a hottie half naked guy pic post in my tumblr dash. It was Jaejoong from his photobook Intermudulation!!!!!!!! xD I also watch the behind the scene of intermodulation, I was so madly in love kkkkkkk~ I don’t wanna post the half naked pic of him cuz you can search by yourself on the internet and I don’t wanna you to falling in love with him.
Since the day tvxq broke up, I really like JYJ. I’ve watched their documentary which is so expensive, but thanks for the ripped video. ha! About the issue between SM ent and JYJ, thanks God it’s over! I really want to see my JYJ oppars on the TV :’)
( Kim Jaejoong in Elle Japan Magazine)
I really like this photo! He looks like an anime character on manga turn out becomes real :*
I have another biassssssssssssssssss! but this time not a boy, but a girl! She has billion dollars leg $__$ 

she is
PARK BOM! every girl envy her body, yeah me too! Her makeup style is perfect. She is nearly 30 but her bare face is like a teenager. I really the fans of her, even though people were saying she did plastic surgery. I don’t care anyway, I care how to make a perfect makeup like she does. I started like her when I saw her with red hair and the blue in the “It Hurts” MV . haha I don’t wanna talk to much about her, because she is my unnie *I hope so*
unni noemu yeppo 

They are just 3 people. not really much people for having biases :p
I’m not really into actors even though watching dramas is my everyday activity. I maybe like one of them but it has different feel when I have singers as my bias. that’s it